To access the legal information (shareholders, tax information, etc.), please click here.
To access the UBAF ethical charter, please click here.
The UBAF has adopted strict procedures in this matter, in accordance with market practices and the requirements of the regulators.
Controls are implemented vis-à-vis the clients and prospects (KYC), the transactions, the intermediaries and the suppliers (KYS). The UBAF is also subject to strict obligations to prevent conflicts of interest and regarding gifts and benefits.
More information is available on request.
Download the Wolfsberg questionnaire CBBDQ
Download the Wolfsberg questionnaire FCCQ
Communication: Customer obligations in the fight against tax evasion (FATCA / AEOI)
Like all banking institutions, UBAF is obliged to determine the tax status of its clients who have opened an account on its books, in accordance with INTERNATIONAL OECD standards ("AEOI") and regulations ("FATCA").
In order to meet its obligations, UBAF must, through a self-certification form, identify its customers:
- having been (i) created in the United States or under U.S. federal law or one of the U.S. federal states or (ii) created outside the United States but controlled by persons with an US indicia (Birthplace in the United States; American nationality; Address of residence in the United States; Known address marked "Attention of" or "Remaining post"; Phone number in the United States; Procuration given to a natural person with an address in the United States; Permanent or regular transfer order to an account opened in the United States);
- having their tax residency in one or more countries that have joined the AEOI.
Any change in circumstances must be immediately notified to the UBAF. at the customer's initiative, so that a new self-certification can be carried out within 30 days of the date of the change.
UBAF must report certain account information opened by its clients to the French tax authorities for transmission to the relevant tax authorities of the country in which (or in which) these clients have or are likely to have tax obligations. A client's refusal or lack of justification for his or her tax residence is likely to constitute a violation of the tax law that UBAF. is required to report to the tax authorities.
The UBAF complies with the AEOI and FATCA regulations. For accessing to the GII numbers of UBAF units, please click here.
Any non-public information transmitted to the UBAF is protected by professional secrecy according to the French legislation. The data provided to the UBAF. for the purposes of an operation are kept confidential, whether or not the transaction succeeds.
Regarding personal data, the UBAF complies, in particular, with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Consult our data protection policy by clicking here.
The responsible and sustainable nature of the UBAF is inherent to its activities and organization. It appears as follows:
- a specialization in financing the real economy;
- activities focused on emerging countries;
- ethical financing;
- a reference shareholder at the forefront of CSR;
- specific operational controls.
More information is available on request.
Created by law, the Fonds de Garantie des Dépôts et de Résolution - FGDR compensates depositors, for an amount up to €100,000 per person, per institution, when a banking institution fails. A guarantee that benefits all bank customers, private individuals, businesses of any size, associations. For more information.
For more information, please download the booklet by clicking here.